The Purpose of this Blog

The goal of this blog is to provide education and bring about higher awareness about Down syndrome. It is to share that life with Down syndrome (DS) is not scary, horrible, or to be feared.

My experience comes from raising my daughter, Nebraska Larae (Braska), born November 2006 with Down syndrome.
The posts on this blog are related in some way to life with DS or disability, and they are reposted here from my other family blogs. There are links to those blogs in the margin on the right side of this blog if you would like to visit them directly.

Thank you for coming by.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Honeymoon is over

Ok, it's not a honeymoon with a new, peaceful, compliant, baby girl. But still. This oh-so-easy little girl who has lived with us for the past 2 years has somehow morphed into a little grouch. And in the process, she has shared this contagion with her mother, who is now becoming one as well.

Is it teeth? Maybe. She's got a runny nose, like crazy. She so rarely has had one that I always try to find a good reason. She is WAY restless. No sitting still to play a while. Fussing when she's corrected. Heck, *needing* to be corrected!

Is it turning 2? I've always said it's not fair that we don't get a delay for 2 since we have all the other delays. She's shown some attitude, but it's pretty manageable prior to this week. Suddenly, she's becoming a bit of a pain in the rear at times. I don't cotton to this, no sir.

Alright, I know there are several of you who are laughing or rolling your eyes at me. If you know Braska personally, you are thinking I'm ridiculous. She's so darn well behaved at all times. She listens and minds. Yeah! That has been the case. I hope we return to that, but for now... this little booger is driving me nuts. Gradual, that would be a nice way to transition. But this all at once change to a stubborn toddler with a snotty nose... no fun.

And yes, I know. My world is soon to be rocked by a kid who cries and throws fits for no reason and actually *requests* to eat. My life as a mother with smooth sailing and happy, contented, quiet days are apparently over. Laugh if you must. Enjoy my coming-of-age. It's ok. I know I've had it good. I know many of you have said repeatedly to "just wait." In the overall scheme of things, this is nothin'. But that doesn't mean it's any fun!

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